
We take our learning to a whole world perspective, as we learn about the seven continents and five oceans. We learn how to create three dimensional, water-themed, sculptures in Art.

Quality Text: A River

We read ‘A River’ – a delightful picture book that follows a young girl’s imagination as she transports herself through varying settings. Through this circular story, we learn how to create a journey narrative that ends where it started. We relate this circular story to Stickman, which we explore in Year 1


Poetry: List

Narrative: Instructions

Non-fiction: Persuasive Letters, Recount (Residential Visit)


Art & Design:
3D Sculpture (Water Sculpture – Ailsa Nicholson)

Position & Direction, Problem Solving & Efficient Methods & Measurement (Time)

Untuned Percussion

Religious Education:
Islam – How do Muslims express new beginnings?

Creating Pictures & Making Music

Health & Wellbeing

No Outsiders:
Blown Away

World Study – UK & Australasia Comparison (Oceans and Continents) Day Visit to Manchester Airport

Gallery Opening Project:
Children create an exhibition of art work and give tours to other children and their families.

Enrichment Opportunities:
Day Visit to Manchester Airport Residential Visit to Standon Bowers Gallery Opening Project

Essential Skill:
Problem Solving & Listening

Physical Education:
Attack v Defence (Games for Understanding) & Gymnastics (Pathways)