A Journey

We will immerse ourselves in the world of animals throughout this topic. We learn about what animals need to survive and how their offspring grow from babies to adults. We continue our learning outside the classroom, as we visit our local nature reserve, making explicit links between our science and geography topic of ‘our local area’.

Quality Text: The Dragon Machine

Our quality text, ‘The Dragon Machine’ enables us to use our imagination as we look specifically at mythical creatures. This touching story about a lonely boy, with a passion for dragons, shows the importance of friendship and acceptance.


Poetry: Personification

Narrative: Fable

Non-fiction: Non-chronological Report

Untuned Percussion

Essential Skill:
Team Work & Aiming High

Measurement (Time, Mass, Capacity & Temperature)

No Outsiders:
The Odd Egg

Health & Wellbeing

UK Local Study – Marbury

Design & Technology:
Mechanisms – Sliders, Leavers & Pulleys (Dragon Machine Storyboard)

Religious Education:
Free Choice – What is religion?

Presenting Ideas

Enrichment Opportunities:
Day Visit to Marbury Park Inspire Day School Sports Week

Physical Education:
Health & Wellbeing & Team Building